Ian Wilkinson is speaking at the 13th BGS Research Conference which takes place from Tuesday 2nd March to Thursday 4th March 2021 and focuses on multi-species swards. Ian's presentation is at 10.15 on Tuesday, titled 200 years of herbal leys. This is an online event, kindly supported by the Stapledon Memorial Trust
Each day there will be a series of ‘theatre’ presentations running from 10:00 to 12:15 (UK time). Speakers at the conference include Caroline Brophy (Trinity College, Dublin), Tommy Boland (UCD), Ian Wilkinson (Cotswold Seeds/FarmED), Paul Muto (Natural England) and Chris Reynolds (University of Reading).
The sessions
Tuesday 2 March: Session 1 – Establishment
Wednesday 3 March: Session 2 – Sward management for grazing and conservation
Thursday 4 March: Session 3 – Utilisation and feeding value
The cost to attend the conference is £25, but BGS members and members of affiliated local societies can receive a discount by quoting the discount code that has been communicated to BGS members and local society secretaries. Alternatively this code is available from the BGS office(bgsoffice@britishgrassland.com).
Students can attend for free, but need to contact the BGS office (bgsoffice@britishgrassland.com) to receive their discount code.
Date Posted: 1st March 2021