We flagged up in the intro to this year’s catalogue that the permitted percentage for derogations has been reduced to 50% for mixes containing forage species by DEFRA, and it’s worth bearing this in mind as we move towards the autumn sowing season. Last year was another challenging year weather-wise, at home and abroad, which resulted in a shortage of organic seed. After consultation with industry stakeholders DEFRA responded by permitting the use of forage mixtures with a 50% organic inclusion rate without the need for derogation, down from 70% in previous years. (You will still need a derogation for mixtures with under 50%.) We have secured enough organic seed to see us through most of the Autumn, but these stocks will run out and Perennial Ryegrass is in particularly short supply so you’re advised to order sooner rather than later to secure your organic seed.
Date Posted: 1st July 2020