Anaerobic Digestion - 'Super Grass' herbal ley offers arable farmers a soil fertility building opportunity. Anaerobic digestion has been headline news recently, as an alternative to fracking and for green energy production, using green material to produce gas which can be directly pumped into the grid providing an alternative to traditional fossil fuel natural gas. Increasingly there's talk of using high biomass herbal leys as the green material of choice, as opposed to maize and other monocultures. Not only does this mean that anaerobic digestion will be good for the soil, but it presents a real opportunity for arable farmers to introduce deep-rooting, nitrogen fixing, soil improving leys into their rotation.
These leys also provide for pollinators. The right seeds mixture and choice of species can provide multiple benefits for your AD plant, depending on requirements for lifespan and high yield as well as all-important efficiency and economy whilst still delivering significant environmental benefits.
Author: CGS
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