When our customers order mixtures for ELS and HLS prescriptions they often ask us whether our seed is 'native'. This is because Natural England stipulates the use of native seed in mixtures used for environmental schemes.
To ensure we comply with these regulations, all the wildflower seed we stock is native to the UK and is grown and harvested in this country - mostly in the midlands.
Where there is a grass component to the mix, the regulations are slightly different in that the species used must be native to the UK, but can be sourced from certified seed stocks. These seeds are produced in the UK and other EU countries. Using commercially produced seed means the price of the biggest element in most mixes is kept down.
So if planting new ELS/HLS mixtures this Spring, you can be confident that any seed sold by Cotswold Seeds complies with all Natural England regulations.
Date Posted: 15th February 2012