If you’re starting off the new year with a visit to the Oxford Real Farming Conference and thinking that one of your farming resolutions for 2017 might be to ‘Sort out Your Soil’, using green manures to add humus to soil to increase fertility so that chemical fertiliser use can be reduced, we’ve got all the information you need in the second edition of our practical guide to green manures and cover crops. The first edition proved so popular that we rapidly ran out of copies so we’ve refreshed it to include some case studies and new nformation including managing green manures, incorporation on arable farms with machinery, grazing on a mixed farm with livestock and how to use worms as indicators of soil health. All the information from the original edition is still there, including the comprehensive species guide. ‘Sort out Your Soil’ is a collaboration between Francis Rayns, Horticultural Research Manager at Garden Organic, Anton Rosenfield the Research Officer at Garden Organic, together with Ian Wilkinson, MD at Cotswold Seeds and Sam Lane, Technical Advisor at Cotswold Seeds.
Date Posted: 3rd January 2017