At spring approaches, we are asked most often is: when is the best time to plant grass leys?
Here is a brief run down of optimum planting dates. Of course these will vary slightly depending on your location and local climate.
- All ryegrass leys can go in from March
- Get Westerwolds ryegrass in as early as possible to get a good crop this year
- Get over-seeding done as early as possible before existing grass grows away and out-competes new seedlings.
- From mid March plant mixtures containing slower growing grasses such as cocksfoot, timothy and fescues and those that include herbs and clovers
- Any grass leys - including those with clovers - can be planted this month
- Large legumes such as sainfoin, lucerne and vetches
- Fodder brassicas after risk of serious frosts have passed. e.g. Turnips, swedes, rape, kale and hybrid rape/kale
- Wild bird seed mixtures
- Pollen and nectar mixtures
- Wild flower seed mixtures
- Lawn seeds
- Game cover
- Summer green manures
If you would like any more detailed advice, please give us a call.
Date Posted: 29th February 2012