Join in an interesting and informative soil workshop in Sussex, on November 7th.
Join us for a one day technical event dedicated to informing and inspiring farmers and growers on the latest thinking and developments in relation to soil management. The aim of the workshop which is organised by Pro Cam Rutherfords is to understand and question how we currently manage our soils and explore how this affects crop and animal nutrition. Good soil management begins with understanding equally, the importance and symbiotic relationship between a soil’s chemistry, biology and physical properties. Through a comprehensive list of highly qualified speakers we will seek to demonstrate how can we all improve our management for the long term health of our soils and the environment, while seeking to maintain and improve overall business profitability.
During the day there will be an opportunity to discuss the condition, structure and biology of your farm’s soil with an expert. This, the second in a series of workshops for those seeking to expand their knowledge of profitable soil and nutrient management, will provide tangible and practical steps that we can implement now. We will ask searching questions about how we currently manage our soils challenging convention, while providing the science behind why this maybe necessary!
This is an excellent opportunity to meet industry experts and innovative growers who are using a range of novel soil management techniques.
Who should attend?
The workshop is open to anyone interested in improving farm profitability through a better understanding of soil and crop nutrition to ensure the long term sustainability of their business. Whether you have a plough based system or are using a complete no-till approach this workshop aims to help drive continual innovation whatever your system.
The most important things to bring along to this day is an open mind, and a soil sample from a highly productive or challenging field. Details of how to collect and prepare the sample will be sent with confirmation of your booking a place for the event.
More information
As numbers for this for this event are limited booking is essential. This is a ticket only event for anyone interested in soils and crop nutrition. Tickets are £35 to anyone wishing to attend and free to Procam agronomy clients.
To book please visit jdrutherford.co.uk or call 01273 478860.
Date Posted: 30th October 2012