For many years the organisation responsible for plant breeding and varietal experimentation in Switzerland has been Agroscope ART in Reckenholz. The scientists at Reckenholz, and particularly the breeding specialist Beat Boller, have been responsible for many successful varieties such as the very popular Milvus red clover, which for the last 20 years has been a mainstay in the red clover market. Milvus is known for its superior persistence and high yield.
This June Ian Wilkinson and Paul Totterdell from Cotswold Seeds re-visited the research station again to investigate any new advances in forage crop varieties being produced at Agroscope. The visit consisted of a tour of the Reckenholz facility, discussions with plant breeders on varietal choice and mixture formulation, as well as visits to field trials.
Did we discover anything exciting? Watch this space!
Date Posted: 26th June 2013