Sainfoin Four Year Cutting and Grazing 70% ORGANIC

Ref: mixsaiorg

Sainfoin is a silage or hay crop that can also be grazed. It is drought-resistant, needs no nitrogen fertiliser, does not cause bloat and is a natural anthelmintic. In these times of rising fertiliser, feed and veterinary drug prices, it is a crop that can be of huge benefit to farmers, and the environment.Sainfoin thrives on free draining, alkaline and calcareous soils (pH6.2 or above). It is not suitable for moisture-retentive or acidic ground.A sainfoin ley should be managed carefully. Sainfoin produces a cut of silage in early June. Hay may be taken if preferred. Sainfoin should be cut during early flowering but may be delayed without much loss of feed value if needed. Regrowth is less than for the first cut and may be cut again or grazed. Grazing should be light and quick to avoid damage to the plant. Never set stock or the sainfoin will become thin. Sainfoin seed can be undersown to spring cereals or direct drilled in April or May at around 30mm.(If undersown the cereal sowing rate should be reduced to 40 kg per acre.) The grass seed element, which is supplied separately, should then be surface sown and rolled in.

Persistence (0-10 Years)
Yield (0-20 T DM/Ha)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Cutting Suitability (1-5)

Contents per Acre%kg
commercial ORGANIC sainfoin70.024.500
commercial Sainfoin30.010.500

£158.56 / Acre

Sowing rate: 35.0kg/acre (87.5kg/ha)

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Sainfoin is extremely palatable to livestock and has very good nutritional balance. It can be grazed or fed as hay or silage. It suits the thin soils and limestone rich downlands found in some areas of the UK. Loosely translated sainfoin in French means 'Healthy Hay'.

Sainfoin Species Guide  Buy Sainfoin Straight

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