Your search results for "Grazing"
Testing the Water, Mob Grazing, Ploughing and Scattering
Testing the Water
Following our participation in last year’s Thames Water Blitz, organised by Wild Oxfordshire and Earthwatch, we again tested the water at ...
Managing a Ley with Electric Fencing and Mob Grazing
We have now planned out a new crop rotation on our arable land, dividing the area into an eight year rotation.
For the first four of these years, the land will be given over to ...
The Not-So-Bleak Midwinter at Honeydale
Dr Richard Broughton from the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology has been on one of his regular visits to update the bird survey. He confirmed that all the food we’ve planted ...
October Update
Thames Organic Growers
We were delighted to welcome this group of vegetable growers who are interested in making soils more fertile and productive by using green manures. They ...
Natural Flood Management & Other News
Natural Flood Management
Last winter we created a natural flood management feature to hold up water flow at peak times from the spring and reduce the input into the ...
We have now power harrowed and rolled the fields that are to be sown this spring. But...its gone dry so we now hope for rain and have decided not to sow anything till rain is on ...
Supplementary Bird Feeding Update:
The long, mild autumn we’ve been experiencing in the Cotswolds has resulted in there still being plenty of berries and other fruit ...
September - October
Polytunnel Harvest:
The plants in the polytunnel have been progressing well, with some of the annual wild flowers now shedding seed after a summer-long display. The ...
Bird & Mammal Survey:
Perhaps the most significant thing that’s happened this month is that we’ve received the results of the bird and mammal survey from ...
April was a busy month...
The first lambs arrived at Honeydale to graze two of the three grass fields. We wanted to manage and maintain the grass but didn’t want ...
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Centre for diverse farming in the Cotswolds.
About Us
It's always been part of our vision to have a farm as an extension of the Cotswold Seeds business and in 2013 we bought Honeydale Farm, one hundred acres in the Cotswolds. During the past couple of years we've been making huge progress on the farm and this blog was set up to share this progress with our friends in the farming world.